• 02/10/2021
  • News
  • by Hemp Specialist
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CBD: The benefits of cannabidiol products

The beneficial properties:

The hemp plant is made up of many substances, the best known are certainly THC and CBD. CBD is not a psychotropic substance, it does not create any kind of addiction.

The European Court ruled that no member country of the European Union can prohibit the marketing of CBD certified and produced according to law in a country of the European Union.

In 2020, Europe classified CBD as usable for food purposes, in fact in many countries it is also used as a supplement, as well as seeds to make flour, or oil.

CBD, simply explained, is not a drug.
There are many benefits it has on our body, especially in many specific cases, for example:

  • CBD has relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Widely used by those suffering from insomnia, giving benefits in a short time.
  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is used by athletes especially after long and tiring workouts.
  • Cannabidiol is used to combat anxiety, panic and can help with symptoms of depression. However, it is fair to point out that CBD is not a drug and cannot be substituted for drugs, in cases where these are necessary.

There are many studies on the subject that have not found any problems for the body in the intake of CBD.